Thursday, April 14, 2011


Time flies...!! it's now comes to the end of 2nd semester....
In this semester, we found that IT is actually an interesting subject as the lectures won't be so boring compared to other subjects which only sitting in the classroom listening to the lecturer...
At least we still can do something different for this subject such as doing blog assessment and listening to lecturer with the computer in class..

After this semester, we have learnt a lot of information and knowledge about IT...
we also have the urge learn it because we believe that IT will be a very important issue in the future, the growth of the civilization will depends on it..

Furthermore, the content of this subject such as the internet and PC devices are the most favorable for the teenagers in university what I have seen other people wrote,
"if you want to kill an undergraduate student, you just need to cut off his or her internet connection !! " hahax !
it's means that internet is very important to us today for every single minutes...

Through this subject, we have learnt about the information system which are people, procedure, software, hardware and data. We known about many different types of hardware available for different function. 

Other than that, we learn about the internet and web access, knowing how to use the web to help in making our daily more conveniently for example the electronic commerce, using databases to help in management procedures and etc. Besides that, we learnt about the privacy and security of the networks so that we will have a mind of prevention against hazards  and computer crimes.

IT has made us know more clearly about the details for the parts in computer such as the input and output, secondary storage and other computer devices. We also have been introduced about many other software we do not know before and giving variety choices of software as well as internet browser when we doing our works. Introduction on the procedures of programming also new to us.

With all this knowledge, we can follow up the trend of the growth of information technology from time to time and assure of our standing in technology field. Although we are management course students, but who knows that maybe in the future, we will work in the technology industry? 

Lastly, thanks to our lecturer Puan Sharin Hazlin bt. Huspi for guiding us along the semester.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks also for patiently listening to me babbling every week.. :)
    All the best for your future undertakings!
